Autumn – Flu Jabs, Whooping Cough and Sinuses

9724 flu
9724 flu

Flu Immunisation

Gettiing the Flu
Take your GP's advice on flu immunisation in addition to trying to keep yourself well by doing (link to the first article) and (link to the second article) and staying warm because the bugs seem to be getting nastier. Boost your Vitamin C levels by eating lots of greens and citrus.

Vitamin D supplements are also being increasingly promoted by pharmacies at the moment. Vitamin D is the vitamin we get from sunshine and sufficient levels of it help keep us feeling happy.


Sinuses can also play up in the summer with more pollen and allergens floating around. Don't kick off autumn with painful sinuses. If you are struggling with them, don't self-medicate. Go and see your GP.

Whooping cough

We are also in the grip of whooping cough epidemic. Highly infectious for the first couple of weeks through coughing and sneezing, it is a serious disease and has cost lives. Young babies and children are particularly vulnerable to the disease.

According to the Ministry of Health, whooping cough is an infection of the breathing passages with symptoms like those of the common cold, sometimes with vomiting and difficulty in breathing. Symptoms are more obvious in children whose coughs can have a whooping sound.

Public health officials say that the full extent of the epidemic is not yet known because many people don't believe that their nagging cough is serious enough to see a doctor about. Don't be one of them. If you have a nagging cough, go and see your doctor.