Way #1 To Kill Conflict – Listen

Listening is one of the most important and crucial parts of having a good relationship with anyone.

 Read more from Eva-Maria here.

LISTEN: sometimes we only hear what we want to hear

Listening is one of the most important and crucial parts of having a good relationship with anyone.

Just think about it – how would you feel if no one listened to what you had to say?

Or when you’re having a conversation with someone and they keep talking and talking, not giving you any room to say anything? I’ll bet you’d get a bit frustrated, huh…

If there is a conflict happening, most likely there is some sort of communication – whether it’s talking, screaming, yelling, body language – that’s all communication!

So all you need to do is relax, and listen to what the other person wants to get through to you.

74% of conflicts are mis-communications

Haha OK, just kidding – and 37.4% of statistics are made up on the spot.

A conflict is usually merely a pure, simple mis-understanding, because one or the other of the involved people didn’t listen clearly to the other one.

Would I be right in saying that?

So the tip and reminder today is to chill out for a couple of minutes, and with a completely unbiased and clean mind listen to what the other person is trying to say to you. You know why? Because if you’ve listened and understood clearly what they’re trying to say, you will be better equipped to either agree or disagree with them.
Now let’s just hope the other person is listening too….



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