Nine Years Smoke Free in Mangere

Stop smoking now

Stop smoking now

Nine years ago today, Mangere residents chose to make their town centre smokefree. town World Smokefree Day 2016 – Mangere Town Centre Celebrating Nine Years Smokefree

ASH Director, Stephanie Erick is delighted, saying, “Nine years Smokefree is a great community achievement and something for all Mangere residents to be proud of.”

This milestone leads up towards this year’s World Smokefree Day which is celebrated globally on 31st May. The theme for World Smokefree Day in New Zealand is ‘Quit now – it’s about whanau.’ Smoking rates have been steadily declining and
World Smoke Free Day is a chance to encourage and support friends, whānau and all communities across New Zealand to protect their own health, and that of their children, by creating environments where everyone is free from the harm caused by exposure to tobacco.

Support to stop smoking will be available on the day as well as entertainment from the Mangere community. This will include Zumba, singing and other activities across the Town Centre.

Join ASH New Zealand and other community organisations to celebrate this event and find out how you can help your community and whānau to become Smokefree. If you or someone you know wants to quit smoking contact your local GP or Quitline 0800 778 778.